Kit had a little trouble following after him in the dress. She was glad the plan had worked and that they could now hunt down the thieves. She could tell though from how he spoke that he found it hilarious that she had to act completely outside her element as a spoiled rich girl. In her mind she probably looked like a complete idiot. She hid in the bushes with him and listened to the options. Running the scenarios through her head she sighed and looked back over at him. "Running in guns blazing would draw too much attention and possibly get us killed so that option is out of the question. We could wait but who knows how long it could be before anything happens." she said glancing through the leaves. "In all honesty I think stealth might be our best option. We wouldn't draw too much attention and we can at least scope out the thieves that are there. Maybe even find out some more about who they are and why they're doing this. That sound alright with you Gray?"