Hadrian looked at the hand extended to him, then at the lizard man, Vavnr as he removed his hat. He thought it only polite to return the gesture. He took off his helmet, tucked it under his arm and gave a grin as he gripped Vavnr's hand. "You look like you have done a lot of things in your life, not all of them good. That in itself is good, I don't think we need any bleeding hearts on this buisness venture of ours." As he said the last part, he glanced around at a few others who were still hanging around in the hangar. He released his grip and put his helmet back on. "After all, everyone here is guilty of something. Hell, the guards probably did something to piss someone off to get put on this detail. Ah well, if worse comes to worse I'm sure they'll be of some use. But, enough of that line of thought, let us pass the time till we are allowed to board the ship. I'll see if anyone else is willing to be civil, you see if you can find out anything about the others. Sound good to you?"