[color=purple][center][h2]• Grayson Donovan •[/h2][/center][/color] [hr] After training with Jake, Grayson took a slow, long walk through the woods. He hadn't been able to take any time to observe the altered post-asteroid world ever since the business kernel had been opened, and he was eager to spring upon the opportunity for a little quiet time. The forest was a perfect density for traveling, clear enough to easily pass through the trees and see for a good distance in every direction, but also thick enough for there to always be something interesting to catch his eye. The idea of water and a bath soon faded from his mind as nature slowly encompassed his mind. A couple hours later, the man returned to the bunker, nodding to the few people lingering outside. Making a beeline for his room, Grayson grabbed a water bottle and chugged it as he made his way towards the showers. Half an hour later, he returned to his room and fell on top of his bed, slowly slipping into the numbness of sleep.