Rin kept her claws locked onto Leon’s backpack, too determined to be easily shaken off. Struggling to focus, the beast eventually managed to graze Leon’s arm with her fangs, but was unable to latch on and tear off a chunk of flesh, instead only securing a pair of chops covered in adrenaline-filled blood. And even that victory was short-lived, as before the creature even had time to think, a searing pain coursed through her body and she found herself tumbling to the ground. When she scrambled to her feet, a knife wound was evident on the side of her neck – blood pouring out profusely. Lucky shot for Rose. Too cowardly to crawl back to her master, Rin instead tried to press forward, but it wasn’t long before the roleplayers faded into the distance, the wolf’s speed and endurance failing her. Given her already weak composure and the severe wound dealt to her, it wasn’t long before the creature let out a weak, sad howl, starting to give into the death throes as her fragile body collapsed into a pool of her own blood. --- Godmodder’s eyes narrowed. That question was really starting to get on his nerves… so he might as well think up a definitive answer. “GM. You can call me GM.” He told him. “No, wait…” he backpedaled. “Maybe Kiren? Been a while since I used that alias, but it served me well in that time.” He answered. “Then again, whenever I used that name, it was when I was trying to make myself look relatively average as opposed to the [i]god[/i] I truly am, so maybe now the name isn’t all that fitting any…..more.” His speech trailed off for a moment as his eye-aura flickered, seemingly distracted as his gaze turned slightly to the corridor through which Rose and Leon escaped. His distraction almost immediately turned to annoyance. “Aaaaaugh I’m such an idiot!!” he exclaimed, palm colliding with his forehead. “I can’t believe I forgot to make Rin immortal, like the old Rin.” He vented aloud. “How the hell’d that slip my mind? I would’ve taken better care of her body if I’d realized it would be so fragile. I guess in naming her so early I must’ve forgotten… Ah well, I’ll let those two get away for now. It would’ve been boring killing them off so easily, anyway.” He thought aloud, before realizing he’d sort of forgotten about Euclid in front of him. “Oh yeah, uh… where were we?”