[b]The Outlands Lions/Outlands Reporters[/b] [color=ed1c24]Alright, If you insist..[/color] Veeaaier said, as he walked down the rock, infront of them. "Veeaaier, what are you doing here?" Kc said, trying to sound brave. [color=f7976a]Don't call me that.[/color] He replied. "What should I call you?" Kc replied, smirkingly. [color=ed1c24]You know what..*Eyes flame*[/color] "*whimpers*Fine! What are you doing here, [b]Dad[/b]? [color=ed1c24]Why, I just wanted to take my [b]daughter[/b] home, because you've been away for so long..[/color] "I have been allowed to leave by a royal family(FYI, not the one in the Pridelands.). You do not have permission. I do." Veeaaier growled. Kc whimpered. Then she remembered what they were here to do. "Dad, we need to go, so, nice talking to ya!" She said. She kicked Veeaaier into a rock, knocking him out. She then walked into the Outlands, like that never happened. [@Ryouko]