Niijima laughed maniacally. "What do you mean!? I was just making sure Shaz had the story straight on what happened! Everyone in the whole school needs to know just how great my friend, Kiro, is!" He struggled to contain his sinister laughter, as he covered his mouth with both of his hands, and avoided eye contact with Ally. Kiro sighed. "Whatever your intentions were, thanks, Niijima." The teen put on a big smile, as he looked across the table at the alien. "I might have ended up dead in an alleyway somewhere if you didn't do what you did." Kiro explained, as he tried looking at things in a different, but very realistic, lense. "You know me, buddy. I'm always looking out for you! Speaking of which-" Niijima slipped under the table, and came out the other side, PDA in hand, as he scooted close to Kiro. "This Zangief guy," he already had a profile created for the thug, including things like: his name, height, weight, age, tragic backstory, and other such things. "he seems like he's a pretty tough dude, a boxer. He was one match away from making it to the pros before deciding to hang it all up for a life of crime. If you want my advice, I say that we change it up, and ambush him before he-" Kiro slammed his fists down on the table, as he shouted: "Niijima!" Kiro stood up. "If you really were my friend, as you claim to be, you'd already know that I don't seek out fights! If I go around and start beating up anyone I don't like, then I'm no better than the thugs I've been dealing with!" He stared down at Niijima quite seriously. "But, Kiro, if we just-" Niijima tried to butt in. "I don't want to hear it. Those are my principles, and I'll stick by them no matter what." Kiro interrupted. Just as he started to cut Niijima a break, the alien does this.