Valana checked her ship's computer verifying she was within the coordinates she had been given to search. She activated her ship's scanners and began to look around at the field of debris surrounding her ship. The graveyard that was once Alderaan gave her an eery sense of dread, she knew from the start this wasn't the work of the rebels. During her time in the Imperial senate she had met Bail Organa a few times, it was an open secret that he was a rebel sympathizer, possibly more than even that. While there wasn't any actual proof, she was confident that Alderaan was serving the rebels. The Empire was responsible for this, she didn't know how they'd done it, or why, but she knew they were responsible. She felt a pang of dread at the thought, she'd never been to Alderaan personally, but if Senator Organa was anything to go by even if the whole planet was full of rebels they didn't deserve this. He was a good man, even if his beliefs were often at odds with her own, she only hoped he had gotten off the planet before this cataclysm. Her musings were interrupted as Jax's voice rang out over her commlink, after he inquired about her mealplan for that evening she replied in turn over the same channel. [color=ed1c24]"A choice of Bantha or Opee fillets cooked to taste, along with sides of crispy seaweed, baked daro root and potato wedges. Jogan fruit cake for dessert."[/color] She began to once more scan the remains of Alderaan outside her ship all she could see appeared to be rocks. Big rocks, maybe even precious metals, but that wasn't something her crimson eyes could tell her from her current position. She was however snapped back to the situation once more when Jax came over the comms again, this time with a worrying report of TIEs near his position. Valana adjusted her ship's course to set it on an intercept for Jax's quadjumper. Carefully weaving through the debris that was once Alderaan she set her shields to double front pulverizing smaller pieces of debris as she sped towards Jax. She was reassured as he clarified it being a three man TIE fighter team, unshielded and rarely piloted by aces she fancied her odds as long as she didn't make a mistake. Still, Jax's weren't as nice in the quadjumper. [color=ed1c24]"Don't worry Jax I'll be there before you can say 'tessellated arboreal binjinphant'. Just try not to kill them before I get there."[/color] She wanted to reassure the Besalisk with her words, hopefully he'd still be there when she arrived.