[b][center]Muyo Uzumaki[/center][/b] Muyo's eyes swept over his two teammates. [i]And this is the best Uzushiogakure has to offer?[/i] Jin might do fine, but Muyo couldn't see himself lasting past the first round, and Mayu... Well, Mayu. [i]We're totally screwed.[/i] Muyo wondered what would happen if he just didn't show up. Letting that fanciful idea go, Muyo stretched his arms and ran a finger down the inside of each, revealing a multitude dark seals that stood out against his pale skin. The seals faded as he lifted his fingers away and stuck his hands in his pockets. "Of course, enough to create a dozen new seals." Well, two dozen really, but most would prove useless for combat purposes. Heck, he had a few sense seals that he'd made months ago and hadn't found a use for. "And I do eat." Muyo's voice slipped down to a low mumble,"... I just store all the energy. You don't have to worry about me" Muyo leaned back onto his heals and spun around in a circle, looking at the ruins, and more specifically, looking at the carvings. Unseen by the others, he couldn't help but roll his eyes. [i]I'll bet a hundred that he let Jin pick the spot.[/i] Muyo thought about the question for a second, and then he tossed out an answer. "So you can teach us some super-powerful jutsu that will make the Chuunin Exams a piece of cake?" [i]Yeah, and I'm the Sage's illegitimate daughter.[/i] Muyo covered a yawn with the back of his hand.