Posted a character. Seems to be similar to some of my others in power (it looks similar to the one I just posted but behaves drastically different, for example) but whatever. Think she's fine? She likely has other uses of her power that I won't get into. Or maybe I could, such as if she has the power to teleport by opening a rift, although the guinea pigs could suicide headbut the rift as it's forming to destroy it, if that sounds like a plan. Opening one that allows for transportation takes around five seconds for her so would give them plenty of time to thwart such a move. If you don't want that to happen it will mainly just be used as an explanation how she arrived at the battlefield. I imagine her pretty high in the medium tier so that's what makes her fight with the guinea pigs all the more hilarious if things don't go her way. Another ability I imagine she possesses is hammerspace (an infinite bag of tricks she can pull objects out of by way of a rift), but this would be very hard to deal with properly in a roleplay setting unless I bother to state everything she has in there that she may use.