[center][sup]Collab with [@lovely complex][/sup] [img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjg4LmUzY2U2NC5TU0JCVFNCQklFMUJUZywsLjAA/skiver.regular.png[/img] [img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjI4LmUzY2U2NC5UV0Z1YkhrZ2JXRnVMaTR1LjAA/skiver.regular.png[/img][hr][hr][h3][b][color=FF0000]A I D A N[/color][/b] & [b][color=ffff99]R E M Y[/color][/b][/h3] [img]http://i.imgur.com/uT3IB6X.png[/img] [b][color=FF0000]Location:[/color][/b] Hallway [b][color=FF0000]Interacting With:[/color][/b] Each Other [img]http://i.imgur.com/MGxAHC2.png?1[/img][/center] [indent]Before the bell rang, Remy made sure he jotted everything on the board in his notebook designated for his secretarial duties. Though, once the bell rang, he glanced at Jareth and then Temperance for a brief, very brief, moment. With a slight grimace on his face, he gathered his things and left the classroom, as quick as he came in. Only homeroom was done. Today was going to drag. Walking in the hall, hugging his notebook, he sighed to himself and wondered how much he had left to unpack. This whole transition thing was annoying. His father was letting the school nurse and her daughter move in before they even got hitched. God. Just kill him. The past couple of days were some of the most stressful days of his life. Helping Temperance with all her shit and bringing it to the basement. Answering too many questions of a toddler girl named Bonny-Lee, who was also his baby sister and who couldn’t help but ask a butt load of questions since new faces were in their sanctuary. She was and well, is, trying to understand that daddy found someone to fill his empty void since their mom past away years ago. There was too much change going on. Frankly, Remy wasn’t that FOND of it. Even if the school nurse was an absolute doll and took care of him, getting use to this change would take [i]time[/i]. Too focused on his thoughts, he didn’t hear his father’s voice from down the hall. [b][color=FFA07A]”Rem, my boy! Think fast.[/color][/b]” And a football was darting down the hall to his face... Of course, dad. Of course. Yeah, he wasn’t prepared, but when was he ever? Maybe he should just let the ball… hit his face. His dad should know better, then to throw FOOTBALLS down the hall. What did he want anyways? Probably to talk about something in regards to Tempest, the school nurse. What should he do? Drop his book and try to catch it, or let the ball hit his face? Aidan noticed Remy’s father call out to his son. He watched the football thrown toward Remy, who either didn’t notice it or didn’t care to try. Either way, Aidan dropped his belongings and snapped his arms outward, catching the ball mere inches from Remy’s face. Aidan brought the ball towards him and wound up for a toss back. He gave the toss a little force while replying, [b][color=FF0000]“ Nice pass, Coach, but I don’t think Remy cares enough for football.”[/color][/b] Aidan picked up his things and looked towards Remy, [b][color=FF0000]“Sorry about that, Rem. You ok?”[/color][/b] [b][color=ffff99]”Yeah… thanks. This is nothing new, y’know.”[/color][/b] Remy eyed Country, who was honestly everything Ray wished Remy could be. The ideal son. A gentleman and a boy fucking amazing at sports. Football in particular. What did Remy have to offer? The blonde boy’s gaze went toward his scrawny arms... yeah. Cooking. Like a housewife. Sucky reflexes. Sucky agility, endurance, and everything else that is respected on the field. Do you want to know why he likes to be a mascot? Because he can be stupid, behind a mask, and people would STILL love him. Dad, well, he was harder to pin. It seemed that Remy was just… never good enough. Or at least, would not be that ideal strong boy that can pick up his sisters when they needed a man to be their foundation(s). Old fashioned, through and through. Within time, Ray finally approached his son and one of his star students, Aidan Pierceman. Great kid right there. Knew how to fix cars. Knew how to throw and catch a ball. Took care of ladies all fine and dandy. A great boy indeed. [b][color=FFA07A]”Since ya’ll have three minutes, I won’t keep you too long. Your mom wants you to visit her during lunch.”[/color][/b] [b][color=ffff99]”You… want me to start calling her [i]mom[/i]?”[/color][/b] [b][color=FFA07A]”Yes. See her. At lunch. And try to learn a thing or two from Aidan. He’ll be a star one day! Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got to rush to the gym… who knows what those seniors will do while I’m gone!”[/color][/b] Before Remy could even say anything his father was already gone. Jesus. He was fast. [b][color=ffff99]”Uh, yeah, sure… one day.”[/color][/b] God his dad sucked. Securing his bag on his shoulder, Remy glanced over towards Aidan, who honestly didn’t need to see any of that. Yeah, they should get to class. The air around Aidan immediately became awkward as Remy and his dad conversed. Aidan looked towards his friend. Remy was a cool guy. A little of a jokester, but Aidan didn’t mind. Hell, he welcomed his antics every-now-and-then; school could get real boring sometimes. [b][color=FF0000]” Uhh. . . “[/color][/b] was all Aidan could muster at the remark Coach made about him becoming a star, [b][color=FF0000]“ Hey man, if it’s any consolation, I don’t plan on being a star. I’m just gonna use football to get into college, if that. It’s just a game. I just want to learn all I can so when I get to college, life will be a little easier.”[/color][/b] The duo was approaching English class when Aidan asked, [b][color=FF0000] What about you? You have any plans on leaving this town?”[/color][/b] When did he and Aidan have a conversation like this? Never. This was rare. They had different friend groups. Sure, the school was small and they knew everybody, but it still wasn’t the same. Eh if not then, might as well be now, right? [b][color=ffff99]”For now… I’m learning whatever I can from my grandparents. Maybe I’ll even learn a thing or two from wherever we choose to go for our senior trip, but yeah, I don’t know where I’ll go for college. Looks like my dad will be fine… maybe to Denver? It’s not like a drastic change, but it’s a big enough change for me. I just… want to be good. At what I do. And all I really care about doing is cooking. Is that weird?”[/color][/b] [b][color=FF0000] “I don’t think so. Hell, most folks see me as a big dumb jock. I’d like to study history for a living. I am, however, good at football. Might as well use one thing to achieve something else.”[/color][/b] Aidan genuinely didn’t see anything wrong with a guy wanting to cook. If a man wanted to do something, who was he to judge? Aidan entered the English classroom ahead of Remy. He turned around to look at Remy before heading to his seat, [b][color=FF0000]“ Nice talking with ya, Rem. And if you need any help on any of those history projects, let me know. I’m more than happy to help.”[/color][/b] Maybe, Aidan would be a good person to ask help from. He was [i]nice[/i] and handsome. Getting involved with someone like him wasn’t so bad? Aidan was everything his father idolized. It was about time Remy took the time to get to know him. [b][color=ffff99]”I’d… like that. Nice talking to you too, Aidan! Same for… whatever I’m good at.”[/color][/b] Taking a seat in his usual seat, which was beside Jareth, but he was busy doing…. other thing, Remy took out his history book and tried to salvage his history homework that his sister-to-be ruined. [/indent]