[b][H2][Center][color=steelblue]Henry Pearl Avaritia The 2nd[/color][/center][/H2][/b] [Center][@Lmpkio] [@Grombus] [@Banana] [@The 42nd Gecko] [@Mega Birb] [@Awesomoman64] [@Ryonara] [@Flamelord] [@Lucius Cypher] [@Lonewolf685] [@TheWindel][/center] [hr] Henry was on his way to the elevator when he suddenly started feeling extremely sick and he fell to the floor onto his knees. He began vomiting up a pile of black goo onto the floor as several other things came flying at him. As it so happened a few swords got thrown into the goo and Henry was just sick enough to not automatically want to His nausea passed and he rolled backwards as several bullets glanced him and his clothes began to catch fire. He patted them down quickly and activated his forcefield pin to protect him. He looked up and saw a copy of himself holding... HIS NEW GUNS!? [color=steelblue]"OH FUCK NO! NOBODY TAKES MY FUCKING GUNS, DOPPELGANGER OR NOT!"[/color] Henry swung Mjolnir at the grenades and hit them right back at the Doppelganger, imbuing them with corrupted energy to make them explode quickly. This was to make sure Shadow Henry didn't just use the Gates again. [Color=steelblue]"HOHENHEIM! CARD FOR DEMONS! NOW!"[/color] Henry shouted as he began sending several lightning bolts towards Shadow Henry. He was really sending lightning bolts everywhere actually. There was almost nothing that pissed Henry off more than taking his stuff. And that was using his stuff without permission.