The premise is simple, The Gods wish for blood as a show of dedication, all the Pantheon's have come together to see which of them is the most worshipped, and has offered gifts unimaginable to those individuals within each Pantheon who brings the most followers to the Arena. As their champions, we must show their peers who it is that deserves the most piety and devotion,only we can be the beings that make them see their true power, regardless of the godlike feats they themselves can perform, are you. Like I. Ready to fight for your God? ----------------- For those of you that are attentive enough to read all through that little spiel, you'll be thinking that this RP idea doesn't belong in Casual, you may be right, however, it is not completely suited for the other two main aspects if this game. The combat, while the key point, is not the only thing going on, and the tabletop elements of this RPG are intended to control the flow of conflict. Others among you, would be thinking the main inspiration of this game is the popular MOBA video game SMITE, these people, would be correct, I took the concept, diddled it around a little, and altered the mechanics to suit a text based format, you'll be pleased with the results. I hope. Now, yes, ALL Pantheon's are present. From "dead" religions like the Norse, to Islaam, and Christianity. Characters here, are NOT the gods, like in SMITE, we will play their disciples. Those that follow their teachings, or worship their powers, the gods may appear between combat periods to offer words of wisdom, or, as I hope will be utilized, bestow gifts, these will also be controlled by RnG. Now for the RnG mechanic, this will be used to determine three key aspects of combat. Delivery, receipt and damage, when the OOC goes up, certain traits for each Pantheon will be listed, and stats such as health and base attack/protection will be administered based around those, this will be done away from the site via a spreadsheet with RnG formula that are modified by these main traits. Classes also exist, much like in the inspirational game, Mages, Assassin's, etc, etc. However, there will be more of them, and their differences will be slightly greater. As for character sheets. These will also be posted in the OOC. I will be using this, to answer generic questions about core gameplay for the next... let's say, 48 hours, give or take, in order to see who is interested. Or, indeed, of anyone even is. I have left a few things out, to hopefully illicit questions being asked, I will also need a Co-GM for the RnG side of things, as I too. Will be participating. One final note, the combat will be in the Arena style of matches for SMITE, and, no, you don't need to have played the game to join in, now... get asking