[hr][hr][center][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=World%20Narrative&name=Bleeding_Cowboys.ttf&size=50&style_color=f26522[/img][/center][hr][center][img]https://images.gr-assets.com/hostedimages/1453542413ra/17839047.gif[/img][/center][hr][hr] [b][i][color=f26522][u]Gene And Jackson[/u][/color][/i][/b] - Daphne starts weaving the Vengeance through the air and into the canyons. Just before she enters them, Anisa comes through on the com. [color=f26522]"Break away and take position, radio back when are are above the Raver ship,"[/color] she instructs the two. It is going to be tight to break away at the mouth of the canyons and valley's but both Jackson and Gene should be able to do it as long as they stay focused. The Reaver ship will fire off several rounds but none hit either of you as you fly away from the Vengeance. [b][i][color=f26522][u]Cargo Bay Vengeance[/u][/color][/i][/b] - Atticus and Camilla are in the cargo bay with a crate load of smaller hand held devices they are working quickly to assemble. [color=f26522]"Are you two bomb makers ready?"[/color] Anisa asks as she comes over the com to address the two. [color=fff79a]"Gods speed is with us, we are almost ready,"[/color] Atticus pipes in as he continues to work. Camilla lays the last one she was working on in the crate and hooks herself and Atticus up to a life line before stepping over to the read cargo bay hatch at the back of the ship. [color=f6989d]"Tethered and ready Captain, open the bay doors,"[/color] Camilla adds as Atticus lays his final present in the crate and stands up, gripping the crate and nodding towards Camilla. [b][i][color=f26522][u]Engine Room Vengeance[/u][/color][/i][/b] - Gideon is rushing around trying to patch shit up as best he can as it starts blowing out. "Yeah, it's just fucking peachy," Gideon mutters under his breath as his hand comes up to fight back some sparks that fly from the engine before ducking down and getting back to work. "Hope whatever the bomb experts have planned out does what it needs to do before we blow this engine entirely. I don't know how much longer I can keep her going. Either way, we aren't getting off this planet today," he adds hearing Anisa's voice go over the com talking with the others. He hisses slightly as some more sparks end up burning through his trousers and scortching his leg. "Gorham! Get Dorothy," he grunts but keeps working. [b][i][color=f26522][u]Bridge Retribution[/u][/color][/i][/b] - Jahosafat makes his way back up to the bridge with Foy and glances around, placing his hat back on top of his head and grinning broadly. [color=gray]"I dare say everything is in place Captain, we should be good for drop soon as we are in place,"[/color] he says before turning towards Foy. [color=gray]"Indeed my good man, we shall pop the cork soon enough but not too soon. We still have a few eggs to break before this delicious omelet is cooked to perfection,"[/color] he adds as he looks towards the screen. The Reaver ship was closing in on the Vengeance but despite their firing on the ship they had not hit it yet it didn't seem. Who ever was piloting the Vengeance was doing a hell of a job serpentining the fuck out of the Firefly vessel. [color=gray]"Everyone, if you would be good enough to hold on tight it seems that we are nearly at our stage positions. It will be up to our illustrious pilot and gunner to finish out this little tit for tat. Wait to fire on my mark."[/color]