[@HushedWhispers][@Lasrever][@smarty0114][@AbandonedIntel][@BeastofDestiny][@Viciousmarrow][@Aewin][@Legion02][@Wade Wilson] So a lot of us are still attached to this rp, so we're going to keep going. After the current collabs are wrapped up we're going to timeskip to training day for the tournament which is more open ended for everyone to do what they want. This will require everyone to discuss development during the timeskip and how the Fear Fest went. I do know Viciousmarrow won't be as active for awhile, so I'll probably write his characters when I deem necessary. We're a small batch of writers, but we're going to keep chugging along. Since I do know everyone was/is looking forward to the tournament. I don't want to close this down until we all at least get to experience that. Let's keep fighting for this! We all love it soooo~