Hana came out of hiding after the creature was dead for... the second time? Would there be a third time? She didn't really know. The appearance of the newly arrived didn't impress her very much. She seemed to enjoy overeating, so Hana knew they wouldn't get along very well. Better off just ignoring her. When she turned she saw a magical girl walking away from the battle. "As expected of Copenhagen Star." Hana uttered, though she didn't know why. The school girl found her shoes, but was unimpressed with their condition. The monster goop would be easy enough to wash away, but the singed leather from the mouthy magical girl's attack was something she was less willing to forgive. Oh well, at least she could wear them. Hana slid her feet inside of her shoes. It was a lot moister than she would have liked, but it was better than being barefoot or eaten. The shoes would be a much easier story to tell her mother. But Hana wasn't quite ready to walk away from this yet. She had something else to do. “Shooting star?” Was that her name? Hana was so bad with the names of magical girls. Hana walked closer to the magical girl. Man this was awkward, but it was something she wanted to do. “Thank you.”