Rasteva was not sure if they agreed with Sara fully, but they weren't so foolish as to not recognize her concerns. War in any form was awful and rife with tragedy. Be it on the battlefield or the streets of the city that one would call home. Sara had every right to be concerned about innocent people being caught up in the midst of things, but unfortunately, this City was the very place that the Purgers had seen fit to wage their war on Daemonkind. Ruffling their feathers the Raven nodded and sighed, seeking to comfort the young woman. [color=9e0b0f]"Yes, I can see why that would be a concern of yours. This situation has been a powderkeg waiting to explode for some time now. We can never truly know why the person on the news did what they did today. Knowing the Purgers and what they're capable of I'd imagine that they felt sufficiently threatened by them. It's also possible that their Daemon felt very strongly that they were in danger and wanted to protect them as best they could. It was an ugly and unfortunate thing to be sure, but I think that many people and their Daemons are sick and tired of feeling helpless."[/color] The Daemon perched on Sara's knee stared up at her with beady eyes. [color=9e0b0f]"A cornered animal tends to fight quite ferociously after all."[/color] The woman's question caught the Daemon off guard and gave them pause for a moment. In truth, Rasteva did not have what could be considered friends. Allies to be certain, but friends were not something that they concerned themselves with. Something that had recently come back to haunt them in their darkest hours. The Daemon sighed lightly and looked back up at Sara. [color=9e0b0f]"Friends? Not really, not in the true sense. I am sure I could find someone willing to assist us, but it would cost something in return."[/color] The Raven fell silent, mulling over their thoughts for a moment. [color=9e0b0f]"And truth be told I am not sure I feel comfortable taking you to meet these kinds of people, Sara. They tend to frequent the less savory parts of the city. For me, it was not a problem to visit, but I'd feel quite bad if something were to happen to you out there....These sorts are not overly fond of humans I'm afraid."[/color] Rasteva hummed softly and considered their options once more in silence before speaking again. [color=9e0b0f]"I suppose...There is ONE person we might ask for help...."[/color] The Raven visibly cringed as if the thought somehow offended them. [color=9e0b0f]"But this person is....Something, to be sure. I am not sure how to put it. I suppose I could say that their manner is a little overbearing."[/color] They looked up at Sara and leveled her with a rather serious gaze.[color=9e0b0f] "To be completely honest, I'm worried that they may turn out to be a bad influence on you, Sara."[/color]