There was a large amount of Infinites headed for the break room and that was already making Ice feel a little anxious. The Infinite Blood Donor had never really liked how crowded a hospital's halls would get from patients and nurses and the like. Knowing that the only way to escape this hell hole would be to murder someone made the poor guy suspicious of just about everyone. Davis's almost psychotic breakdown had driven him into a cold sweat, but the mummy-like boy did his best to not show how flustered he was. The only real group of people in the hall was the one he had just left, so Ice didn't have to slip by anyone until he arrived in the break room, which was exceedingly crowded. The room was a pretty good mirror image to the one he had dozed off in before ending up in the 4th elevator, bringing on bad memories all around. All of this was putting Ice in an increasingly bad mood, which was probably going to be taken out on everyone else. He dropped the cards off at one of the random tables around, before finding a wall to lean against. He wasn't really in the mood to stand up straight, a small wave of dizziness had made him off balance. What he could really use would be a Red Faerie hard candy, but that was going to have to wait for him to get out of this place, it wasn't like there had been any in his room. Iron tablets would be the next on the list, but Ice was too lazy to go looking for those. That's when Mondatta stood up to stand next to that little girl from before. He was the Infinite Monk so he would probably be good for bringing people together, but public speaking wasn't exactly a required course for them, right? The guy handed a book over to the younger girl, which by that psychotic bear's explanation, was supposed to be used to kill the person you gift that present to. So... He was being defiant in his own way. They were all supposed to work together and trust each other and get out of here without any casualties, but that idea seemed to have a pretty low success rate. Mason, the Infinite Coffee Maker, added his own ideas too. While the rules he came up with would probably help in this situation, he was coming up with plans that had a lot of loopholes. Isaiah used his foot to propel himself away from the wall and spoke from the midst of the crowd,[color=orange] "Tin man, we can't exactly 'frolic in the fields of friendship' as we are now, even if you're ready to be a martyr for some great cause as escaping. The idea that no one is going to take advantage of the rules and the 'gifts' that furry basket case is null with us being cooped up here. Hell! I just saw that Davis guy swinging around some glittery gold fake sword jobbie like he was ready to take that mummy girl down to death valley." [/color] Arg! The pain in his head was getting worse and worse, if he hadn't already been caged into a fake hospital, he'd be demanding for some kind of medical checkup. [color=orange]"And you, Mr. Pretty Boy, just because we may go in groups of three, doesn't mean a blackened wouldn't go off killing two victims. Since we don't know the amount of people that could be killed at one time, I'd say it wouldn't even be a hundred percent safe if we did every little thing together, and I'd hate to have company in the bathroom, thanks."[/color] Ice grabbed onto the table next to him, probably frazzling whoever was in the seat closest to him, his breathing had grown irregular and there might be the chance of his passing out, but that wasn't stopping him. [color=orange]"We can set up the break room as headquarters and have a role call for at least the mornings. I don't want to see some corpse because of that 9th rule 'night of carnage' so staying in our rooms at night would be a good plan too. Because this stupid scrub went and grabbed most of us from a hospital -for f'ing sakes- there should be someone that's good at taking care of others to be appointed as a nurse of some kind, no one wants to be taken care of by one of those carnage sisters. Besides that, let Mr. Miyagi here, that White Knight, or whoever else run these 'meetings' you were talking about. And with that, I'll check out now..." [/color]Ice's eyes swiveled closed and he started falling face first to the ground. [hr] Someone had come from around the corner, the one she had turned towards and stopped walking. He gave a quick word to the other male and Rika, but Aleecia couldn't recognize the voice. Then again, since she hadn't met personally all the different Infinites, it wasn't that surprising. That was when he spoke to her, telling of some kind of kind poem that was for trying to cheer her up. Oh, this must have been the Infinite Poet. Aleecia tried to remember his name and thought of the words that horrible bear had spoken over the video or whatever he had played when they had arrived: [b]“Daimyon Londe, is not a blond, but he's an Infinite poet. Some would say, that when he'd play, you were sure to know it. His words are smooth, and tend to soothe, with every spoken letter. Of course I see, and say with glee, that I am surely better.” [/b] It seemed what the bear had said rang true, his words did seem to be made to soothe her. It was nice of him to speak that her soul could see and help people, even though her eyes could do nothing of the sort. Aleecia gave a happy smile while listening and wondered just what color was his hair? [color=lightblue]"Thank you Mr. Londe!"[/color] She smiled, hearing his steps walk away from her. Rika was the next to come up to the girl, and gently helped her grasp something knew in her hand. It was made of some kind of plastic and as she felt the way down, she stopped herself, feeling that some of it was broken and it would probably be sharp. She turned her head up to Rika with a confused expression. The girl was giving her some kind of stick to use as a walking stick, that was really nice of her! The girl gave a smile to the other and offered another thanks. Aleecia would have to do something to make sure the cane wasn't so jagged at the end, maybe she could find some hard surface to grind it down. The other man had grabbed something out of his pocket and was now speaking to her. She dutifully slipped the cane down so that it was leaning against her leg and listened. While the different uses for the E-Handbook seemed useful, it didn't seem like many would apply to the girl, so she focused on the rules instead. The man's voice trailed off, before picking up on pep, it seemed he was forcing himself to create this fake feeling and drove Aleecia's eyebrows to knit together in empathy. As the rules were read to her, she started to understand the basics. Rules one through four made sense, though Aleecia didn't see the need for five quite yet. Seven made Aleecia's head hurt, so she glossed over it. Rule eight made the girl sigh with relief, her heart still hammering. Rule Nine made her heart rate go even higher and now she was the one leaning against the new guide stick of hers. She would get to the introductions in a second, but... [color=lightblue]"W-Why would they have a rule like that last one? Can't they let us sleep in peace?"[/color] She was shaking a little bit, before Aleecia decided not to dwell on it. [color=lightblue]"Oh um... The Infinite Runner... Right? Hello, I'm Aleecia Marvic, Infinite Dice Master. My Infinite doesn't really do much in daily life and I lack quite a bit in the sight department, let's be friends, 'kay?"[/color] The message about everyone meeting in the break room was loud and clear, though the sudden yelling from the cassette tape made Aleecia jump. With a determined nod, she placed her cane out in front of her, [color=lightblue]"Okay, let's go!"[/color] [@katakon][@Ariamis][@Spriggs27][@Mateotis]