[h2]Time Remaining: [color=green]00:32:24[/color][/h2] [@Almosegosum][@bluetommy2] Gotham Uptown: Gotham Law Library Reaching the third floor of the building there was sand still covering the floor with small drifts in various places and corners. Also strewn about were some books that had fallen off the shelves during the scuffle that took place within the library, and a few tables and chairs that had flipped over. Most of the noises and coughing from before had stopped leaving the library silent, and the whereabouts of the presumed bombers unknown. As Mephistopheles snooped about in it’s knew form he would soon catch the scent of the bomb and five other people. [b]Two of the bombers ducked out from some bookshelves one throwing a flash grenade and the other firing off a few rounds from his AR-15 at the two as they exit the stairs. [/b] [@SilverFallen][@1Hawkeyes] Gotham Midtown: Evac Point The Police Captain hadn’t been on the scene for more than five minutes when a couple of [i]costumed[/i] young women approached him asking about the situation, and wanting to know if the bomb had been found yet. Looking a bit skeptical he replied.[color=red][b] “Uh, there hasn’t been any reports of suspicious activity as of yet, nor has any of the squads found the bomb. Since the threat was from an unknown it is hard to say what the motive is for a target.”[/b][/color] The Captain was interrupted for a moment when another officer came and handed him a phone.[color=red][b] “This is Captain Roth.” [/b][/color]He stood a moment, turning from the two women whilst using his finger to plug his open ear. After a few moments he turned back and hung up the phone.[color=red][b] “We have word that the bomb in Uptown is located in the Gotham Law Library, we will be re-tasking two units to begin searching related targets here. If you want to help, that’s all the information I have at this time.” [/b][/color]This meant that the two units would start checking location similar to the type of target in uptown such as the [b]two district courthouses, Three Libraries, and other buildings[/b] of the like. The remaining two units would continue searching [b]densely populated areas and known mob safe-houses.[/b]