[i]Another[/i] person to think Aemoten (who is rather obviously another ethnicity/race) might be a Catolohnian? Oh dear. That's culturally about as bad as insisting that an ethnic Jew is a Nazi, and the two are probably visually at least as distinct as Japanese individuals and Mongols to boot. Then again, the average Sekalyn (even more so the Northeasterners) would consider both Catolohnians and Rodorians equally to be barbaric, sexist, uncultured people of the far northeast. Aemoten was/is (both canonical and this one) actually very, hmm, understanding of other cultures as far as his people are concerned. Though, if he were to know about the little arranged marriage thing going on in the IC, he'd probably end up being incapable of not citing back the origin of Zerul and Relimon, and perhaps only [i]technically[/i] fall short of openly calling the Duke of Pelgaid a rapist and doom of Zerul for agreeing to the arrangement... That would most likely be a disaster.