[quote=The One] Ok so I have three new ideas which don't seem to have been mentioned. If they were then I missed them. Sorry. Last Unread Post: Basically, it would be so much easier if we could skip to the last unread post of any thread.[/quote] The forum already has that function. [quote=The One]Repetition: We have never had this here, basically, it's like, liking something on facebook. We give a user Rep either for something good or bad. This could be for anything, a post that we like, a funny quote which they added, their siganature, or even doing a good job on requests. We give the user rep. This shows on their profile, all the good, and all the bad. Eventally it will build up until you get a star, then it continues.[/quote] eehhhhhh [quote=The One]Thread Preview: Not Post Preview, but an actual thread preview, I mean before you click on a thread, you can hover over it to get a good idea if it is worth checking it out or not. ^^ There are my ideas. What do you think? Any good?[/quote] Oldguild had that, I think. Would be worth bringing back.