[@Cuccoruler] Rena scowled, her eyes turning their intense green as the drunken woman caused Saedd to move. "Is it safe for you to even be out in public?" She remarked, a bit of venom in her voice. She shifted to move her passed out companion beside Talon and Artemis, it was strange. She was pushing him around like he was a wagon of some kind. Another stranger joined them, this was growing tiresome. She was getting a headache; perhaps she had been in the sunlight too long. She ran her hand over her face and winced. She was sunburned already, and there wasn't even that much sun thanks to the ran. Her eyes burned towards the woman again. "Demanding who we are? Be brave for someone who can't even stand up straight." [@DeadlyPhoenix] Kai gave her a small smile and waved his hand. "Please don't worry," he mentioned calmly before the loud woman appeared. He could feel Rena's tension and anger at the slightest touch to the man. He raised an eyebrow curiously as he stood between the two girls. He could feel the faint sunlight against his fair skin, already turning it red. "I'll be fine, Artemis." He called to her as he kept his stance between the two.