Kit looked at the building a moment. If they wanted to get inside they would need to pick one of the options. She wasn't sure about the chimney since they could get stuck or there would be a fire at the bottom. The doors were another option but the thieves might have some sort of password in place. "I'd say the windows. The doors might require us to give the people inside a password which we don't know. As for the chimney we could get stuck trying to go down it." she explained. While she wasn't sure why these guys had resorted to thievery she wasn't sure they deserved the benefit of doubt. They obviously were aware that at some point their actions would get them in trouble. "Look, I'm not saying they deserve a simple slap on the wrist for this. But they also don't exactly deserve us beating them within an inch of their lives either. Like you said, their punishment is for the courts to decide. Our job is just to catch them and turn them in." With that said she began sneaking her way towards one of the windows. Hopefully they were unlocked.