[quote=@Ariamis] I'm waiting on [@Pudding], and to a lesser extent the late trio, in case anyone's wondering. [/quote] Sounds good. You're one of the people i'm waiting on, but there's no point in rushing ahead of everyone else. [@Pudding] just got done moving and is probably still setting everything up. Though we're still moving right along, so there's no rush. [quote=@Mateotis] I most probably won't be able to post for another day. Daimyon headed for the break room as well so if anything major goes down there (aside from what's already happened), he can be involved. Depending on how fast the scene goes, I may still be able to set up that conversation he wanted to have with Krista about the gift and stuffs, but that remains to be seen. [/quote] I'm in no rush to end the current scene. I'm interested in seeing what Cyrus and Kara will do, as well as how Ice and his makeshift nurses hold out. I also want to see if Caora is forced to drink at the knight's table. he's Scottish so he might be able to contend with the Irish knight, though probably not.