The meeting concluded, and it seemed like the wheels were set into motion for the 5th. Everyone had their role to play, and Shay was relieved that no one would be forced to kill the innocent help at the von Goethe mansion. He wasn't thrilled about the job for the reasons he had spoken of to Vera, but he would do it. It was his job, and he figured it was better that than toiling away in a factory where he was liable to lose a limb to some unforgiving machinery. Vera and him stepped outside the office, Vera slipping her fingers between his. He smiled back. "Well, I do owe you a proper dinner... without the rude interruptions. Would you like to try skating? I hear the local rink has been cleared off, and we have some coin to buy some skates." Shay replied, genuinely curious about her thoughts. Before Vera had a chance to reply, Sam exited the officed, asking if the two of them had plans. Vera shook her head in a negative fashion, and Shay replied, "Were just working on that, actually. It would be nice to have a night where things aren't busy with work or dangerous... be nice to sit down for a meal without running into the bloody Adders." "Well, I won't keep you from that." Sam said with a smile, clapping Shay on the shoulder. "Say, mind if I borrow my sister for a tick? I just need to run something by her, family business and that." he asked. Shay nodded. "Certainly, Sam. I'll be here, keeping Frankie company. Speaking of which, mind fixing me up a rye?" he asked the bartender. He took a seat as Vera and Sam walked over to a quiet corner of the Countess while Frankie poured him a glass. "Bit early for this, don't you think?" "It's 5PM somewhere in the world," Shay replied with an unapologetic grin. "You seem pretty chipper today. A good woman will do that for you. Actually, come to think of it, I'd rarely seen you this expressive." Frankie observed, leaning back against the counter, looking to the younger Irishman. "Yeah, I guess things just started to work out." He said with a smile, taking a long sip. "I think we needed each other." Shortly after, Vera returned to the counter, prompting Shay to turn and face her. "Everything alright, Vera? I hope this isn't about doctor maddam gypsy charging medical fees." he said half jokingly.