Priscilla gave Jazelle a soft smile, and a small nod, as a respectful greeting. Now having her charge and her orders, she stepped through the door to her immediate right- her back was against the wall- and continued on down more hallways. These, however, were not empty of people- servants scurried here and there, somewhat uncommon but always at least one other servant or guard in sight. They carried a variety of things- food, books, clothing, metal or wood scraps, sometimes a book with cool [or hot] water, and more. A couple were even carrying bundles of sticks- wands, in other words. Others that traveled in groups carried armor pieces, ranging from leather, to thickly-layered silk robes, to steel. One walked past carrying a black book, held inside a wood framed glass case, that had an aura of pure evil- and from the significant, more natural magical presence around it, it can be assumed that it was heavily protected. That servant was one of the few that had a gemstone in their forehead, and completely blank eyes. It took three hallways and two intersections to reach the room that Sunder spoke of- for outfitting. Having entered through its large double-door entrance, both of which were thrown wide open to begin with, three persons came forward. One was male, round, rotund, and merry. The other two were slightly sterner- an edge of steel in their gazes- but no less merry. All three of them were finely dressed, and had belts. From those belts hung a variety of instruments, all of them those of a tailor's. And, as soon as she came in, the three all began babbling at once, mainly at each other. Their topics ranged from the latest fashions, to the wealth that Sunder allowed them access to for their work, to their work itself. It seemed Sunder had some of the finest tailors under his hire, which made a vast wardrobe of premium clothing- most of which he allowed to be sold to other magical persons and families. They turned their attentions to the newcomer, eyeing her clothing critically and trying to make sense of it. Priscilla, naturally, brushed off all their questions about the origin of the cloth, and her warning stare told Jazelle it might be wise to keep what she knew to herself. It was then that the tailors started babbling, suggesting different fabrics and clothing styles to her- but they were very plain about robes. A half dozen sets of plain, grey robes, that they said, "You'll be wearing daily, I assure you." Beyond that, they were open to suggestions, babbling to each other and keeping an ear out on their new project for any useful tidbits to incorporate into new designs.