Jun's enthusiasm, while not outwardly expressed by Toshiko, was... there. Though not as strongly. A job, from a rich family of magi... it was precisely what she needed at this time. That last purchase had really, utterly destroyed her funding. Certainly she could afford basic needs... but she lacked much money to spend on anything else. And there was that... curious book that had captured her interest... Taking a final drag on her nearly-spent cigarette, Toshiko began to address the questions that had been asked of her. "We'll begin with investigating the scene of the crime, Gekkou-san," she replied. She crossed the room and drove the spent nub of her cigarette into an ashtray on the central table, discarding it. Toshiko folded her arms beneath her chest. "We'll split up and perform separate investigations after interviewing the victims." And there... there was the often-surprising voice of her often-confused-for-a-pet-cat employee. His guess was a likely one, something that Toshiko had suspected herself. It made her wary, to say the least. Not wary enough to decline the case, but wary enough to be very careful when retrieving the stolen item. The Daidouji family, all dozen-or-so branches of it, was... a dangerous assortment of individuals. If it really was the work of one of the many branches, the case could potentially become much more hazardous then simply tracking down a thief. "Neither Daidouji Kenji nor Tomoko clarified if the object was magical. But I strongly suspect that it may be. We'll have to wait and see if they're willing to reveal its nature themselves or not. But don't worry, even if it is I'm not about it let any of you get hurt." Toshiko made her way to a set of hangers near the door, reaching up to grab a tan longcoat and remove it from its spot. After pulling it on, she turned to face her assembled employees and adjusted her glasses. "Now, I can give anyone who needs it a ride to the mansion. The rest of you will have to follow me there. I doubt anyone could miss it, when we get there. No-one that rich ever buys an understated house. It's practically a requirement." Toshiko smirked, slightly. It put her in mind of her own family's home. But, of course, she hadn't been back there in years. After a few moments, her more genuine smile returned. "Are there any more questions?"