[hider=Ryuuga] Name: 'Soaring Dragon' Ryuuga Age: 19 Gender: Male Race: Hooman Element: Thunder Appearance: [Img] http://img-cache.cdn.gaiaonline.com/129c9414d7a0673666b56182bd62278a/http://i587.photobucket.com/albums/ss316/antonioj31/Anime_Warrior_by_chaotixwolf-1.jpg [/Img] Personality: Ryuuga has a cold stare and a warm personality. He usually acts cheerful in and around towns, because... of no reasons. While his rogue-like appearance suggests a rather shady character, he is unusually sociable and has regularly helped people for free. However, he has also demanded a fee for helping often enough. His ulterior motives remain unknown. He considers the world just one more thing out there to see, and boy, does he love sightseeing. When visiting interesting or beautiful places he tends to just wander around and has occasionally delayed travelling partners. Biography: Ryuuga has grown up in a small town, much to his distaste, he bas always liked knives and when he reached the age of 15 he took some knives and skipped town. He has since then been travelling and has seen lots of beautiful and interesting sights. He had obtained new gear, like a set of light-but-durable armor and -though he still carries his knives- he now wields shortswords in combat. Evolution: -Burst Acceleration - Ryuuga gains golden dragon feet and claws. this allows him to launch himself about 10 m in any direction with a speed of approximately 20 m/s*. His claws also allow for powerful unarmed attacks -Dragon Mode - Ryuuga grows wings, horns and a dragonic tail. He also gains a scaly armor covering most of his body, up to his face. -Pressure Aura - Ryuuga's power is emanating from him, causing pressure on opponents, slowing them down considerably. *This is 72 km/h or +/-44 mph. Misc: Ryuuga is by most means a rogue, but insists on being called a 'Blade Master'. [/hider]