[@FunnyGuy][@dabombjk][@King Tai][@Wick][@Aeternum][@Kyrisse][@Spinosaurus][@December][@Venku][@alexfangtalon][@POOHEAD189] [Center][hr][hr][url=http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-Mv9IzXPwDW8/U3a_R67x3qI/AAAAAAAAANI/KRqBcMto-kw/s1600/India+Eisley+Hot+and+Beautiful+American+Teenage+Actress+girl+HD+wallpapers+%252867%2529.jpg]Picture[/url] [img]http://fontmeme.com/permalink/161217/2c8888ca0195e0b5044c229bfafd0204.png[/img][/center] [hr][hr] [center][h1]TRINITY Alone[/h1][/center] The night was strangely peaceful for Trinity was she sat 40 feet above the local terrain. Oh there were the odd curious night creatures but she sent them scurrying with a loud slap of the rockbar against the box metal frame. It was a wonderful night actually exposed to the air and the elements, the moon hanging above her making the world somehow more familiar; safe. Sure the world around her wasn’t silent as some pictured the night because in a dark world sound was a useful tool. She heard a coughing sound about 2:30 in the morning and it shifted around her position coughing in two more positions. It was a test and its owner was a large animal judging by the bass in its voice; whoever was out there was issuing a challenge and Trinity was bored enough to answer as she tilted her head back and gathered her strength to give out the mighty war cry of the majestic screech owl her highschool mascot. Maybe it was her newfound strength or some other factor but when she began pulling air in her constricted larynx producing a glass shattering high pitched raptors scream and a whistle then she released it as a primal scream tapping the iron bar against the container. Naturally the night fell silent as all those creatures out there sat in judgement of her performance eventually casting their vote by nearly and hour of silence seceding her the power this night. Morning came and she was even more vigilant as it was in the half light hours that every hunter knew as a rich target niche. She saw a herd of deer fat and full maybe 20 strong. Roosters crowing in the distance and what sounded like a beef bull. This had been semi rural land with some working farms when it all went to hell so it stood to reason there was familiar stock out there somewhere and if they collected it and built the structures to protect them could solve their food issues. She pulled out her CYAJ which was more important to a field engineer than the bible (you can always find a replacement bible, just ask any preacher) because the big red letters stood for Cover Your Ass Journal and it was used as a repository of signatures of bosses on sites she’d worked on. Those signatures usually held a simple paragraph describing a change from plans, timetable or something else that might get the poor field engineer thrown under the bus without it. So just before she refueled the fire and went to sleep on top of her watch post Trinity wrote in book [hider=Journal Entry #1] Well it's official My Life is Cursed In less than a year I have gone from a girl with a very limited dating pool to a girl cast in this new world as Tonda the Freaking Goddess of Power. Don’t worry they tell me but do they forget how strong I am “I CAN CRUSH DUCTILE 32” PIPE” with my thighs. Not a pretty thought about the end of a night of passion including the need of bleach water and lots and lots of paper towels. I’m not pope an cracker girl so the Nun’s orders is out. Smoking two pigs by quarters and one croc tail maybe 850 pounds of meat Need to learn how to make tallow candles, wicks and the molds. Noon retrieve four more containers for use in construction of an external observation post Plan on construction of forge within 30 days[/hider]