[h1][b][center][color=darkorange]Jake Evanston[/color][/center][/b][/h1][hr][center][hider=Jake Evanston] [img]https://thoughtsofa20yearold.files.wordpress.com/2012/07/dave.jpg[/img] [/hider][/center][hr][sub][color=darkorange][center]Note Taking[/center][/color] [center]Interacting with :[/center][/sub][hr] [color=yellow]Day Six[/color] Jake ate until he was either told he couldn't have any more or until he was stuffed. He was so tired he actually had no idea which was the one that happened first. He got up from his seat and went back to his room. He loved going to sleep right after a good meal. It always made him feel really good. He laid down on his bed thinking about what had been going on the past few days. Everyone was developing powers and they all seemed to just not really reflect on that. Well, those who he had spoken to so far. He thought back to the powers he knew about so far. There was a speedster, a fire guy, gravity defier, strong woman, ghost dude, and whatever he could call himself. So, as of what he has seen in the group so far is a very rag tag team of misfit powers. He started imagining all the different kinds of powers the group could have. Soon he had an idea. Jake reached over to his night stand which had a notebook and pencil on it then started writing down various things. He wrote down the powers he knew existed in the group and as much as he knew about those powers. Next he wrote down a few details about some powers he could think of off the top of his head. Once he finished that he began writing out various ways to train the different powers they had access to. Since they had these abilities they would need to learn to control them as best they could. When he finished he decided to finally take his long awaited sleep.