It was a brand new day, and Patty was running out of the house to get to school. She was making good time all things considered. She adjusted her slightly heavy backpack so she could be comfortable as she jogged her way to school. About halfway to her destination, she just realized that she ran out of her home without eating any breakfast, AND she forgot to get her lunch. "Oooh...perfect". She held her head low as she slowed down a little to a casual stroll. She wasn't going to be late if she kept moving, but her attendance was the last thing on her mind right now. Her stomach let out a low gurgle in protest for how much food it didn't have right now. "Shut up stomach" Patty said nonchalantly to herself. To get her mind off of that, she observed how beautiful today was. It was the perfect weather for running, and Patty would eagerly look forward to PE today. As she kept walking, however, she ran into a curious sight: a snow white rabbit was hopping out of the hedges and onto the sidewalk. It looked at the girl with curious eyes. "Aww, aren't you just the cutest thing?" Patty wouldn't call herself an animal person, but that didn't mean she couldn't stop to appreciate something cute when she saw it. The rabbit then hopped out into the open road to get to the other side...except a large semi-truck was heading it's way and threatening to run it over. "Oh crap!!" she shouted. Then, without thinking, she ran into the street, scooped the rabbit up into her arms, and dove to the other side of the street. The threatening truck honked its horn as it blazed past the two. Now, Patty was laying on the side walk as the adrenaline coursed through her body. "''re welcome, rabbit...huff".