[center] [img]http://i.imgur.com/MSwx8DP.png[/img] [color=gold][h3][b][i][u] Hohenheim, The Alchemist of Genesis [/u][/i][/b] [i][sup][sup]Current Location: Hohenheim's Castle[/sup][/sup][/i] [/h3][/color] [@Lmpkio] [@Grombus] [@Banana] [@floodtalon] [@The 42nd Gecko] [@Mega Birb] [@Awesomoman64] [@Ryonara] [@Flamelord] [@Lucius Cypher] [@Lonewolf685] [@TheWindel] [/center] [color=gold]"Alright, alright, so things are finally getting hot. I didn't expect the three of you to call a card at the same time. Let us see what we have here."[/color] Hohenheim's said as he drew the card one by one, on the order which they were requested. First, called by the Angels and aimed at the Machina: [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/rolls/1671][b]Judgement.[/b][/url] Second, called by the Machina and aimed at the Angels: [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/rolls/1672][b]The Lovers.[/b][/url] Third, called by the Demons and aimed at themselves [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/rolls/1673][b]The Empress.[/b][/url] [color=gold]"Well, first of everything, let me say something. You bunch of Heavenly Cocks are really lucky bastards, maybe it's because of the Year of the Rooster? Well, who cares? The thing is that the Machina maybe just have kissed the challenge goodbye here and now because of what you called. Let me explain these cards, but first..."[/color] Hohenheim did her trade mark finger snap as the elevator lobby got flooded by a blinding golden light, that most of the Angels there would know by this time, a burning holy light before which no darkness could stand. Only one being on the whole of the Nexus had such a power and presence. [color=gold]"Let's call your funeral song shall we, because there's no way in Hell you'll survive that one."[/color] As the Alchemist clapped her hands once, [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2atlpj7AGXU][b]a melody[/b][/url] began to sound, a song proper for an epic finale and that's wh- [color=daa520]"Are you done already, Alchemist of Genesis? I came here to do your biding as ordered by my Lord however, I do not have the least intent of being part of your entertainment. If possible I would like to return to my duties as fast as possible."[/color] A voice, austere and powerful said as the light dissipated, revealing none but [url=http://i.imgur.com/ePRLTEM.jpg][b]Iona[/b][/url] hovering above the gates, glancing down with her paradoxically cold, yet compassionate eyes at those bellow her. [color=daa520]"It's of my understanding that I was called to pass judgment at those of the Machina of Mankind. Be as it may, then. It's time."[/color] As Iona pointed one of her blades forward, unbreakable chains of pure, golden holy light bound all of the Machina in tight coils, before lifting them in the air right in front of the dark archangel. As is usual, Iona rarely brandishes her weapons against anyone. Instead, she said. [color=daa520]"From this moment forward, you are under my jurisdiction. Unless you can prove your own innocence of any crimes or sin in your whole existence or take me down in combat, I will keep you under custody while the current battle is being held. Any interference, or attempt at resistance that is not able to defeat me, will be met with imprisonment. Is that clear?"[/color] [color=gold]"Oh, well, yeah. There goes one third of the audience. Good luck trying to plead anything with her, you'll need it."[/color] Hohenheim chuckled darkly, before coughing. [color=gold]"Let us continue the descriptions, then. Next is The Lovers affecting the Angels. You'll find something interesting now, your deepest desires, the thing you want the most on this world before you. Go ahead and grab it... but, be aware of consequences. Nothing on this world comes for free, after all. Hahaha!"[/color] [color=gold]"Lastly, it's time to answer the Demons' call but first..."[/color] Hohenheim made a momentary pause during which her gaze rested on Henry. She rolled a muzzle (summoned out of thin air) in her right hand as she stared at the haughty yet unwise Demon. [color=gold]"Raise your voice to me again and I'll shut that trap of yours. I'll not warn this to any of you again, am I being clear?"[/color] The Alchemist's voice was colder and lower than her usual self, making it quite clear this was the last time she was going to warm anyone about disrespecting her. [color=gold]"Either way, you horny bastards got The Empress, the keeper of the Order and the status quo. You'll be restored to the state you were on the beginning of the beginning of this challenge. Any wounds, status effects and even restore the power you wasted."[/color] Hohenheim said as she effectively rewinded the time for the Demons with a snap of her fingers, healing them of all wounds and restoring their powers to the maximum once more. After finishing her speeches, Hohenheim turned to Hibiki, raising an eyebrow as she checked the Maid from head to toes with eyes that seemed to dissect Hibiki, undressing her with a gaze. Or, who knows, if the Alchemist was as powerful as she seemed to be, seeing through clothes, or inside the Maid's body would be a trivial task. [color=gold]"Not bad, not bad at all. However this could use a bit more of fresh honey. If you, know it. Hahaha!"[/color] Hohenheim laughed out loud as she indulged in the treats before her. [center][color=9966cc][i][u][b] Juno [/b][/u][/i][/color][/center] [color=9966cc]"Pff! Pff!"[/color] Juno coughed the black goo that Balrog puked on her, more or less in time to jump away from the feet of a second Balrog that came out of nowhere. The fight was beginning to get good, or so it seemed, when the Serpent of the World turned around to look at the chaos of the battlefield. Demons fighting Demons, the Machina had laid a deadly trap and the Angels, [color=9966cc]"Hmm..."[/color] that was when Juno noticed -- perhaps for the first time-- what she had done. Until very little time ago, the purple-clad warrior wasn't someone used to fight in the middle of large forces, no, Juno was literally used to destroy armies on her own while not having to care for collateral damage of pulling off her blows. However, after the battle of Alt Signia and now, Juno was seeing that she had to do something different, use her powers in a way she wasn't used to. [color=9966cc]"Just like when I was trying to defend Leyo-Argh!"[/color] Juno's introspection was cut when the crossfire of the Balrog suddenly hit her. It wasn't enough to leave more than a scratch, even so it launched Juno right at the bed of spikes, drawing some blood as her right arm was cut. [color=9966cc]"If I can't fight like I'm used to, I'll just find a way-uh?"[/color] The smoke screen and other distractions from the Daimyo flooded most of the room, reaching Juno as well. Despite the onset of the black smog, the Spatial Warrior still had had a perfect awareness of everyone's position, thus it wasn't a great impediment for her. After getting back to her feet, Juno flash-stepped once again, to the top of the real Balrog. She delivered a punch, aimed at the floor, to the back of the gigantic Demon's head. In addition to the force of the punch, Juno added a blast of energy, very much like a shotgun blast to her attack. Normally such a move would normally cause a lot of collateral damage as the shockwave went through and past Balrog's body -- regardless of whether he was killed by it or not-- however, Juno used a shaped blast aimed at the floor exactly because she knew that. Hitting Blarog like this was a lot harder than simply blasting everything to the depths of the Abyss. Nevertheless, Juno was certain none of her allies would be caught in the blast like this. [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/i6fLcHF.png[/img][/center] That was when things got complicated again, with Iona of all people appearing on the battlefield, because of one of Hoho's cards, and capturing the Machina. The Demons being healed by another of the cards actually got Juno sulking, since it meant that her attack wouldn't hurt Balrog at all. Most important was when the other of the cards was called, summoning before Juno the image of a purple-haired girl wearing matching colored armor, smiling at Juno. [color=9966cc]"What are you doing here, Cely? This place is dangerous, if Hoho gets yo-"[/color] Before Juno could finish speaking the girl came and hugged her. Her lips moved saying words that only Juno could listen to which made the hands of the Spatial Warrior tremble. All that Juno wanted was to hug back the girl before her and go back home. The chaos of the battlefield meant little to nothing for Juno when compared to girl, her daughter, Celene. However, that's when Juno recalled why she was even fighting in first place. Before, she was just doing things because she wanted to but Juno didn't had a purpose to any of that. Until Leo, Cely, that person and some others got on the purple-clad Valkyrie's life. Juno had a purpose now, she need to fight to protect them from this place, despite only being good at breaking stuff. Juno couldn't do that if she just went back home now, could she? [color=9966cc]"I'll be back home soon, Cely. I have something I must do now but when I'm back we'll go eat all sorts of stuff."[/color] Juno pulled Celene in a tight hug, kissing her forehead, just as the illusion was unmade. Juno still had to fight to protect Cely, Leo and everyone else, after all. [center][color=dodgerblue][i][u][b] Ni-Mu [/b][/u][/i][/color][/center] [color=dodgerblue]"Gear Shift: x4. Emergency release: Impalement Forest."[/color] Ni-Mu released her spears, tuning them into nothing, to create more room to maneuver and dodge Miyu's barrage, a simple trick like that would never be able to fool the Prototype. [color=dodgerblue]"The Angel isn't on the Mobile Suit. She has evaded under the cover of the smokescreen and went to the starboard elevator."[/color] Ni-Mu informed over the radio to the other Machina units, pointing the elevator Miyu chose to go -- the one on the right wall, in relation to the gate -- out of all three that there was in the room, each located on of remaining walls, all of them equidistant from the entrance gate. [color=dodgerblue]"Threat analysis indicates that she's not a danger to consider at the moment. However, the Mobile Suit's core is set to self-destruct in less than a minute, Angel tampering makes it impossible to interface and override the operation protocols. Suggested course of action: immediate evacuatio-"[/color] Before Ni-Mu could finish her report, Syphax recovered from his initial fall and came charging at Ni-Mu at blinding fast speeds for most others to react. [color=dodgerblue]"Gear Shift: x8. Overlimit."[/color] A string of commands later an Ni-Mu sped up in a burst of acceleration that would kill other softer beings just because of the suddenness of the movement. The android kicked the wall, somersaulting to the back of Syphax's head as she took advantage of the smokescreen to hide her own movement as she spun in the air a couple times before landing over Henry's hammer, using the power of its swing to propel herself forward with even greater speed, while taking the chance to spin kick Henry across the face with a bladed foot. Instead of engaging Syphax in melee again, Ni-Mu decided to distract her persecutor with a barrage of rapid fired blades, trying to hit his wings and clip his mobility. [color=dodgerblue][i]"Activation time will reach its limit in 1.35 seconds. Suggest course of action: Disengage combat and cooldown."[/i][/color] Ni-Mu self diagnostic program pointed as the additional swing she got from Henry made the android land right on top of the fake Balrog's head, using it as a stepping stone to propel herself to the port elevator. [color=dodgerblue]"Gear off."[/color] Ni-Mu deactivated her Innate Time Control and Overlimit systems, allowing a huge quantity of heat to slowly radiate from her body. The next challenge was going to be in a cooled down environment, all the android needed to recover from the exertion of continuous activation of her systems. However, before Ni-Mu could even step on the elevator, chains of light got a hold of and dragged her to hang before no one other than Celestia's Dark Archangel. [color=dodgerblue]"Error: My systems are incapable of figuring the concept of sin. Please, elaborate."[/color] Ni-Mu asked, while keeping the imminent detonation of the Daimyo a secret. According to her data base it wouldn't even scratch Iona however, it would at least remove most of the other threats, while they figured a way to escape the Judgement or were also killed by the blast. Any of those alternatives should be preferable over being captured.