A mist seemed to have surrounded Kaze after Rebeca's attack had landed. His surroundings were unrecognizable, yet something seemed to form out of the fog: a Pokemon with the shape of an elk. [i][color=6ecff6]"Suicune? What's going on?"[/color][/i] Kaze asked. [i][color=7ea7d8]"You've taken quite the hit. Luckily, the pain was enough to cause unconsciousness. I am simply here to ensure you do not awake prematurely."[/color][/i] [i][color=6ecff6]"So . . . I lost?"[/color][/i] [i][color=7ea7d8]"Unfortunately, yes, but you fought valiantly. As we speak, the battle has already been finished, yet something tells me the chaos is not yet over."[/color][/i] As if to confirm Suicune's words, the sound of someone's booming voice penetrated into the recesses of Kaze's mind, yet their words were unclear in Kaze's current state. [i][color=7ea7d8]"Patience. It is not yet time for you to awake. Until you have recovered, you should remain here."[/color][/i] [i][color=6ecff6]"But what about my friends? Are they in danger? What was it that voice said?"[/color][/i] [i][color=7ea7d8]"The voice was a warning to the Avatars, but you should not be concerned with protecting them. They are able to fend for themselves. Your concern must be your own safety. Ah, yet someone has arrived to help you. You are in good hands now, Kaze. I will continue to watch over you until you have found shelter."[/color][/i] As Suicune finished, the dream began to fade. When Kaze's eyes began to flicker open, he saw Emry beside him, the glow from her Wish beginning to fade. Then, before he had fully comprehended his surroundings, Emry gave a shriek as flames splashed off her back. "Emry!" Kaze shouted as he came to. He caught her as the weakness from her burn set in, and he became aware of Solomon--Emry's Lucario--fighting diligently to protect them. "Solomon!" he called to get the Lucario's attention. "I'm not sure what's going on exactly, but I need your help to get Emry out of here. Keep doing what you're doing and follow me!" Pulling the two Poke Balls from his hip, he tossed them into the air with the command, "Go, Jingle! Go, Clabber!" The two Pokemon looked stunned at the chaos for a moment before Kaze instructed them further. "Jingle, I need you to use Confusion to lift Emry so we can escape this place. Clabber, help Solomon and me to fight off the bad guys." Clabber chuckled at his command. [color=f7976a][i]"What fun . . . I get to knock some heads."[/i][/color]