[center][color=DarkRed][u]Name:[/u][/color][color=LightYellow]Sert[/color] [color=DarkRed][u]Age:[/u][/color] [color=LightYellow] 111[/color] [color=DarkRed][u]Gender:[/u][/color] [color=LightYellow] Neither[/color] [color=DarkRed][u]Race:[/u][/color] [color=LightYellow] Machine[/color] [color=DarkRed][u]Element:[/u][/color] [color=LightYellow] Earth [/color] [hider=Appearance:][img]https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/s320x320/e35/12446326_884813941665149_1459862736_n.jpg?ig_cache_key=MTIzMzk4ODA3OTg5NDQxNjA1NQ%3D%3D.2[/img][/hider] [color=DarkRed][u]Personality:[/u][/color][color=LightYellow] Sert doesn't care about other 'things'. These (people, other individuals) are just things like Sert is, except Sert deserves better than them. In order to serve Sert's own greed; Sert will manipulate these 'things'. (again really others but Sert doesn't think of them that way.) Everyone including Sert is a thing to Sert. Sert doesn't understand emotions like joy, happiness, sorrow. The closest thing that could be connected to an emotion is when Sert can't do what Sert wants to do. Thus Sert feels like Sert is overheating and its uncomfortable. Sert will then get violent and try to remove the obstacle from Sert's path. Sert also has secrets. Information that Sert doesn't want anyone to know. Find out Sert's secrets and thats one quick way to encounter Sert for the worst.[/color] [color=DarkRed][u]Biography:[/u][/color][color=LightYellow] Sert was created many years ago by a man who worked in a lab inside a major city of Vriksha. Sert's parts for Sert's birth/construction originated from all over Vriksha and even outside the Kingdom. As Sert's 'master' wanted Sert to be a premium robot, something that could put other robots to shame. Many hours of painstaking work: calculations of how the parts would weld together or in some cases simply adhere to each other were carefully planned and executed. Something went wrong in the final stage however and as Sert's master put the finishing touch on the robot, the lab room was enveloped in a cloud of thick black smoke. Sert was awake. And yet the first thing Sert did was ask the master, "Why?" The master smiled as he replied, "To serve me." Sert:"Why?" The master continued to explain. Sert continued to question why. Sert was unsatisfied with the master as Sert shoved the one who created Sert against the wall and left the Lab to learn things Sert's way. Sert spent 10 years learning more about Vriksha in general. After that Sert spent 101 years serving the authority(ies) here in Vriksha. But Sert's patience of serving is wearing thin and Sert may just make a 'play for power' soon. [/color] [color=DarkRed][u]Evolution:[/u][/color][color=LightYellow] +A torso or 'chest piece of armor' that is way more durable than the one Sert has now. +Wheels that can move out from the bottom of Sert's metal 'boots' and allow Sert to roll at high speeds. +A jetpack like attachment on Sert's back that allows Sert to shoot off into the sky.[/color] [Color=DarkRed][u]Misc:[/u][/color] [color=LightYellow] Sert avoids singing or any form of music.[/color] [/center] Finished 1:14pm January 16, 2017 Central Time Zone UTC-06:00