[b][i]GM Post[/i][/b] To everyone who were not Mac, Cheese, Ryteb (who was still unconcious) or the independent-minded Seth, Emperor Michael Sideros would say through the speakers: "You guys might need to go back to the Ruler of the Sea; Sayaka and Madoka need to be apprised of their situation. Also, you might also need a battle plan for taking care of Walpurgisnacht in five days; we cannot have final victory in this world without destroying her. Also, Tocsax, if you can, please take a trip to the world's Keyhole and seal it up, if needed. Finally, take Kyosuke Kamijou into the ship's medbay so that his hand can finally be healed; Hi-Potions alone won't do it." "Or, [i]I[/i] can do it," Judah bin Issac's voice interrupted, also using the same speakers. "If you'll grant me and Lucille an escort, I can heal the Japanese brat." In the ship's holding cells, Sayaka was still raging, while Kamijou was still scared out of his mind, and Madoka was strangely calm. This was going to be a job for v2 as well as Judah and Lucille, as v2 was built for negotiations. Taka, if he wasn't awol most of the time, can also accompany them. [@Double][@Arty Fox][@SMS][@Rex][@Ryteb Pymeroce][@Gentlemanvaultboy][@ShadowVentus][@supertinyking]