Shiba soon found his way up to the bridge after he had changed the notes on his Knightmare gear again. It was a decal so it was actually easy. Shiba joined up with the black knights not long ago and while he may still be considered new at least he has made contributions from the sidelines. Shiba wasn't a fighter and he would only get in everyone else's way if he fought alongside them so he decided to his intellect and try to make missions easier. He has been in logistics support for a while planning for the unforeseen but of course this mission wouldn't really be needing his expertise since the general had the plan set and he did his homework on their target. They would be striking a blow to the Britanian's supply line this time though Shiba felt that they should just carpet bomb the place but then again he was more aggressive then his kind façade would show. Once their he got to work trying to get the communications working he heard Fenrir ask when the operation was set to start and Shiba answered [color=00aeef]"Shouldn't be much longer."[/color] he said deciding to be vague on purpose if only so it would annoy him a bit about not getting a straight answer. Shiba kept the communication line active in case the ones on the ground ran into an unforeseen problem though Shiba highly doubts that.