“Ah… yes. I’ll explain on the way. Now then, I believe I heard you mention something about ice skating?” A mischievous gleam and matching grin overcame her as she slipped in close to Shay. “It’s been years since I went. So let me warn you beforehand, I’m not the best skater, but I do find it fun.” Once inside the Peugeot, Vera turned to Shay, and gave a frustrated sigh. “Shay… do you remember the day Sam and I fought? The same day where Ingrid, the gypsy woman, came to patch you up? Did… did she say anything to you? Anything strange? Or Silas for that matter?” There was more to what she was saying, but waited to see if he had anything to say on the subject. The controversial news that her brother revealed to her moments ago, left her in a confused state. She had so many questions, but where to start proved unfathomable. In fact, if what Sam had told her was true, how would Shay view her now?