[center][h2]That Group That's On Their Way to the Ruins... When Suddenly...[/h2] - Roxanne ([@Shadeflare123]), Novis ([@Sen]), Aiden ([@Deos Morran])[/center][hr] The Shadows. Eyes, eyes... disappearing into the shrubs and trees that surrounded the route as the ruins got closer. They'd been watching the group, starring in the leafage. Plotting. Murmurs and quiet grunts could occasionally be heard as the group would continue, but as they got ever closer to the ruins, the noises only became louder. The tourists ahead paid no attention to it, distracted by whatever tourists do. Taking pictures, talking too loudly. It made whatever was in the shrubs, following the group angry. Loud noise... It made them mad. Occasionally brown, curved tails could be seen, glimpses of brown and white fur, but no definitive answer as to what it was. A pokedex wouldn't help, they were too fast for it to scan. What was following them, and why? In the distance, the ruins could now be seen for our adventurers. The rabble of pillars and stone bricks cut by ancient hands could easily be discerned from the hazy sea of sands around it, having formed due to the erosion of rocks that once held civilization. Only when they would draw close would they see scientists and tourists, swarming the place like flies to a light. The shattered remains of the past were delicate, yet majestic, that is often the description given to them by the tourists. Even though bits and pieces of structures were missing, those that remained were awe inspiring. Of course, that didn't stop several tourists to crowd around the outside, taking up space and making sure every inch was photographed in a selfie. Not to mention, slightly outside the ruins, scientists had established a base camp. They'd already done extensive research on the place, but there were always mysteries that needed to be discovered. Though it wasn't to be heard in more than a scant few whispers, everyone present knew that there was a link between the Zamak Ruins and the infamous Unown in the Ruins of Alph in Johto - the real question; and the real source of energy for these skittering scientists being, just how deep this connection could be proven to run. Regardless, it was surprising to say that no one saw the floating mask above them, watching and waiting. It liked to spy on the people below, but what it saw from above made it curious. Not only was there a group of pokemon outside the area where the dirt would become some sort of hard sand, doing their best to hide in the decreased shrubbery, it noticed how they were all staring at 3 trainers. It was then that it happened. An intrusive screech came from all around, caused by a multitude of Mankeys jumping onto the scene and charging the unsuspecting trainers. While they didn't do any real damage, they were angry. Angry that the one who had cooked had left nothing for them, like so many other trainers had. And what was left, wasn't enough. They wanted more. Needed more. A drive of hunger and their quick to anger nature made them plot, something relatively unheard of. They waited to unleash their anger, but now, it was getting the better of them. They pounced, they screeched, just out of sight and hearing from the tourists and scientists who may have helped the travelers. No real damage was caused, but in the fray they scoured the bags and pockets of the trainers, searching for food to take. And while some of the contents fell to the floor, a specific stone fell from Novis' grasp. His fire stone... And not only his, but the other's as well! The Mankey's inspected them before throwing the newly acquired stones to the side, and when they didn't find what they wanted, they turned on each other. In the fray, the pokemon with the mask watching from above stared at the stones... Wondering what they were. Maybe it would get the attention of the pokemon that spun like a top on occasion... Happily, it flew down, revealing that it was a yamask as it made itself visible. Happily taking the fire stones, it made a B-line for the entrance to the ruins in the distance, catching the eye of several scientists and tourists. The tourists took a picture, saving it for later, while a particular scientist made note of it. [url=http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/capcomdatabase/images/5/5f/AJEma.png/revision/latest?cb=20090103040451]She[/url] had kept several notes on the Yamask, and perhaps speaking to her would be ideal... As for the Mankeys, they eventually ran away, still fighting. Have Fun.