[b][H2][Center][color=steelblue]Henry Pearl Avaritia The 2nd[/color][/center][/H2][/b] [Center][@KoL][/center] [hr] Henry was still fighting his clone, however the rage that Henry felt from having his weapons used was slowly turning the tide of the battle as the clone was pushed back. It used the Gates in the most basic ways, summoning grenades, basic weapons, it wasn't even going for The Cheater's Blade. The card was announced and Henry was anxious to hear what it would do. As he swung his hammer something landed on it and bounced off, but not before leaving Henry a present in the form of slicing his face open. [Color=steelblue]"OH GOD MY FUCKING EYES! I'M GOING TO KILL YOU YOU FUCKING BITCH!"[/color] Because of the pressing nature of this white hot pain he felt he did not hear one word Hohenheim had said and probably wouldn't have cared if he did. What he did know is that this gave his clone the perfect opportunity to literally set him on fire with the mounted flamethrower the SMGs had and Henry collapsed to the ground with the flame going out quickly. The clone approached Henry to taunt his corpse when Henry opened his now working eyes and swung at the clone. It tried to dodge but there was just too little space between them as Henry lopped off its legs. He got up and watched the clone gnash it's teeth as it tried to crawl towards Henry to bite his shins or something. Legs were already being created by the clone's own pair of Silver Eyes, but it wasn't enough as Henry jabbed his sword into it's head. The guns on the ground fell into a Gate and Henry speed walked towards an open elevator and entered quickly. He opened a Gate right in front of the elevator when he got in so nobody else could get in and he pressed the button.