Satoi calmly considered his options. From Izumi's response he could estimate her position in relation to his encampment, although not precisely. He could still, however, guess her general direction, which opened up his options. Satoi could do the normal thing and respond appropriately to her call but that'd be boring. Or rather, that would be a boring first impression. The renegades, rag tag group of runaways as they were, there was no clear cut pattern to their techniques and specializations. While Satoi had heard of Izumi, he'd never seen her actions up close, and it was likely the same on the other end. She had probably heard of Satoi's [s]infamous[/s] reputation, but she would likely be curious as to how he stacked up in reality. Which meant that this would be a good time to check out his colleague's skills. Satoi put his fingers to his mouth and whistled a similar bird call to the one before, one that tell her it was safe to come to the source of the call, before exiting his impromptu camp and setting off into the forest. He used his feet once again to erase his tracks as he made them, a habit he'd picked up as a child which was admittedly difficult to stop if he wanted to walk normally. He briefly wondered if he would ever need to stop it, however, and decided that it probably wasn't his worst habit. Satoi made for the closest tree and quickly scaled it, blending in with the trunk with his brown suit. He had a good vantage point there, and he watched and waited for the water hawk to arrive.