[center][url=http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/008/8/b/mage_tricoreniflwen3_by_avodkabottle-d5qtwg2.png][img]http://i.imgur.com/P7KVObb.png?1[/img][/url] Location: Eevee cave -> Forest [i]Getting once [i]bear[/i]ing together[/i] Interaction:[@I-Am-X][@Amaterasu][@itano123] GM:[@Sho Minazuki] [/center] Francis was quite proud of himself after the quick attack. He was able to keep up with this fight, but what followed came too fast, the claws swatted him and he was shot off into the ground, rolling from the movement. That hurt a lot and he wasnt at the moment sure where up or down was. Danilo was surprised by the feint attack, and didnt have the time to warn Francis to get away. Seeing him get hit and all but shot into the ground. Without a word Danilo moved as fast as he dared along the edge of the clearing until he got by his pokemon hoping the other two will keep the ursaring attention while he healed his little friend. Dan pulled a potion out and sprayed on Francis, seeing how it did wonders. Francis raised his head and chipped as his health was restored. [color=a187be]"I little hiccup in our performace, want to keep on?"[/color] Danilo whispered as the little fletching jumped on his legs and nodded, turning towards the ursaring seeing Zap and more importantly Berry keep on fighting.[color=a187be] "Good..." [/color]Danilo noticed then that he was close to the eevees and while he was already decided to take another potion out. In his bag now was left 3 potion, four pokeballs and one revive. He sprinted up to the eevees.[color=a187be] "If you allow ladies." [/color]He spoke to the two young eevees before he sprayed the old leader eevee with a potion. Danilo hoped that even if it wasnt enough to get the old soul back to full strength it should at least help with his more serious wounds.