[center][IMG]http://i285.photobucket.com/albums/ll64/CK_Slade/Junjin.jpg[/IMG][img]https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/5/54/Jennifer_Lawrence_in_2016.jpg/220px-Jennifer_Lawrence_in_2016.jpg[/img] [i][h2][b][color=red]Jae Park[/color] & [color=mediumpurple]Audrianna Kent[/color][/b][/h2][/i][/center][hr][hr][center][i]Interacting with: [@POOHEAD189][/i][/center][hr][hr] Jae made sure to position the three of them a ways away from the bunker. He didn't really wanna cause any unnecessary fire to the only inhabitable place they had. At Ben's suggestion, he grinned. [color=red]"That's actually a good idea. Although, I need to try and get the in control first before I try shooting fire at someone or something."[/color] He called up a particularly upbeat song in his head and began singing. [color=red]"난 널 보고 있지, 거울을 통해서 머리를 만지는 척 해..."[/color] Audrianna raised an eyebrow. [color=mediumpurple]"You generate fire by singing?"[/color] she asked as she sat on a nearby boulder. Jae laughed and shook his head. [color=red]"No, I just wanted a song to dance to,"[/color] he explained and was just about to continue singing when he paused, a look of wonder settling over his face. [color=red]"Now that I think about it though... do you think that I can maybe breathe fire if I keep singing? That'd be cool."[/color] Audrianna bursted out laughing, obviously comfortable conversing with the young Korean. [color=mediumpurple]"What? I don't even know what you can do, how am I supposed to answer that? But... Maybe you can. A lot of weird stuff has been happening to people. You might be able to do it. You should try."[/color] [color=red]"I should, right?"[/color] he looked from Audrianna to Ben, as if to ask both of them for encouragement. Audrianna chuckled and nodded. [color=mediumpurple]"You really should. But let us see what you can do first."[/color] Jae grinned and then nodded. He began singing and was soon dancing to his tune. The fire started as a spark that soon grew into a full fledged flame creeping up his legs then his torso, his arms and then his head, finally enveloping him. [color=red]"Wow,"[/color] he said, looking at his blazing hand. [color=red]"Human torch, right?[/color] The heat coming from Jae was immense that Audrianna had to move away from him. [color=mediumpurple]"Doesn't it... uh...burn you?"[/color] she asked worriedly. [color=red]"It does! I---"[/color] he kidded but stopped short when he saw Audrianna's worried face. [color=red]"No, no, I'm just kidding. I'm sorry. That was a bad joke. I'm okay. Really,"[/color] when Audrianna glared at him, he cleared his throat. [color=red]"Uh... what can you do, Aud? Ben there has some nice moves and can probably flatten me into a pulp if he wanted to. I got this!"[/color] he gestured at himself, pretty proud of how he looked. He began dancing around more to bring his flames into a bigger inferno, meant to impress. He looked at Ben and grinned. [color=red]"Dude, I think I can try shooting fireballs at you soon."[/color] Still worried that her friend might hurt himself, she kept his eyes on him. [color=mediumpurple]"I can make force fields and p---"[/color] [color=red]"Aaaah!"[/color] Jae shouted as his flames blazed stronger and he began lifting off from the ground. [color=red]"What do I do? What do I do?"[/color] he asked frantically. [color=mediumpurple]"Turn it off!"[/color] [color=red]"I don't know how,"[/color] he began patting his torso with his hands in a useless attempt to snuff out the flames that covered his entire body. But his movements only managed to fuel the fire more and he shot up straight into the sky. [color=red]"H-hey! Audriannnnnnnna, Beeee[sub]eeeeeeeeennnnn!!!![/sub]"[/color] Audrianna's head tilted up to follow Jae's trajectory. [color=mediumpurple]"Angle yourself down... no, horizontally... no... Oh, I don't know how to fly...."[/color] she called out in frustration. She watched Jae zoom across the sky before looking at Ben. [color=mediumpurple]"Uh... you think he can make it back? How will we find him now?"[/color] [hr][center][@Wick] [@Aeternum] [@RumikoOhara] [@Spinosaurus] [@alexfangtalon] [@Venku] [@December] [@FunnyGuy] [@King Tai] [@dabombjk][/center]