[@Mattie_] Welp, here's my character proposal. [Hider=My character] Name: Shor Ehm Gender: Female [Hider=Appearance] [img]http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/yozakura/images/8/8e/Hime_Yarizakura.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20131117013009[/img] [/Hider] Starting Artifact(s): -Qi Muffler - Qi magic! -1pt unspent. (Saving for something cool that may not be space) Orphanage Hometown: Ceasar Town History: Shor was left at the orphanage at early age. She was disliked by the other children and developed some... aggressive tendencies because of this. Whenever she got upset she'd start a fight. when she was young this never got too bad and though she'd get reprimanded and would have to do more chores. When Shor was 12, one of these fights escalated -badly- and she almost killed another one of the orphans. Feeling she needed some serious discipline, the people in charge of the orphanage gave her a devastating regimen. This regimen actually managed to succeed in teaching her some discipline, but made her stronger than the others. Frustrated by the lack of peers, her aggressive urges resurfaced again. This time around, however, she can control them... Usually. Personality: Shor is a lone wolf. She is short-tempered and sarcastic, but she treats her peers with respect. She is kind and caring towards friends, might even be considered a little clingy or overprotective. She doesn't open up to people easily. Theme Song: [url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ATub40Npxik[/url] [/Hider]