[hider=Map of Orre] [img=http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2012/043/4/2/the_orre_region_by_missionsunshine-d4pf2j7.png] Our setting is on the opposite side of Mt. Battle, the river continues around fed by a waterfall coming off of the mountain [/hider] Terry took a deep breath as he stepped off the river ferry, Orre was a big place and he had been in that boat for nearly an hour, since he had arrived at the port this morning and was nearly as far from the Academy as possible. Several other students were getting off as well, and some were coming from buses shuttling in from other regions. He reached around to his backpack and fished out his Pokeballs. The ferry required that all 'mons be kept in theirs, and Aaron had not been happy about it. He took the ball with the green stripe running up from the button and tapped it with his thumb, with a click and the flash of a bright red light his partner materialized before him in the clearest and most flat ground the internal computer detected. "Damned amazing how they can fit all that in a tiny sphere." Terry mumbled to himself as Aaron leaped onto his trainer's shoulder, nearly knocking him down. "Gosh man, you know I can just barely let you ride on me now, when you evolve again you have to walk, and that's final." The Grovyle looked at him with big, almost pleading eyes. The trainer scooped up his backpack and his Pokemon clung to it resting his head on Terry's shoulder. He unfolded a piece of paper from his pocket and read the directions aloud, "Orientation is in the main hall at eight sharp," he glanced at the time on his watch, Seven-Fifty, "And then you report to your first classes. According to this paper we have Mr. Adams first." He crumpled the paper back up and started towards the largest building. All around him other students were doing the same, some with Pokemon out, some not, some with rather serious faces, some laughing and joking with friends or Pokemon. He pictured the scene in his head and mentally zoomed out, seeing himself from third person "oh, so I'm one of the serious ones. Ah well no harm in that" he mused.