OOC: damn, ninja edits. [quote=@AAB] The whisperings of peers could be at the root of the king's distrust toward his mother. What about the birth order for her daughter? Do you have any preference? She shouldn't be too much younger than her brothers since I plan for my character to be the oldest of her generation. Yet having a boy first would probably be less worrisome than having a girl first, and I think it would be good for Lucrecia's position to have been stabled somewhat by providing the king with an heir before any suspicious daughters. So...maybe my character's mother could be born between the two...or be twin sister to Adrian [@Sarcelle Renard], but younger twin or older twin? (I'm thinking older. Like, "Oh, oh - there a girl. ...phew, there's a boy too." [Sexism is so fun.]) Edit: Aime specified that the girl be born after her brother ascended to the throne. Maybe that's not necessary though? 'Cause then she'd be 20 years younger than the old king and it would have to be a teen pregnancy for my character to be of marrying age, and I don't want that to be the case. [/quote] I don't know, Aime seems to have somewhat of a mess of statement. At one point confuses mother by daughter. Maybe both would work? I mean, the youngest spring chicken which mommy Lucrecia had to leave as a baby (cause Lucrecia doesn't age, a decade gap between siblings is possible). And she's not the kid's cousin, but aunt. Alternatively, her mother was the oldest child, but since it was the previous king who wanted to marry a Witch, her status would be protected (although the people were really waiting for a boy, which appeared just before people tried to riot or something).