Mable waited by the gate for about four hours before realizing that Pascal wasn't coming. Mable packed her bags and with the extra time spent some money on gear repairs heading to Atremtis. Mable worked hard with the smith hoping to be able to aid her in the minor touch ups. Mable hadn't yet had her gear tested much since joining the guild. Mable went around finding her gold and taking it politely from her friends holding it for her. The day still only at lunch Mable didn't yet want to head to bed to sleep off the one mission she'd completed. It was also unfair off her to try and hog the missions so instead Mable put herself to work. Mable first tried to help Artemis with repairs and crafting. When that was done she hurried to help Hygeia. The work was long and tough, but Mable enjoyed the soreness in her muscles after a long day. Mable helped the cook make soup for dinner serving her fellow guild mates with zeal. While a few raised there eyebrows Mable didn't mind. The idea as Sergian had said that they were 'To good' for some tasks would only lead to a persons death. The next morning Mable was again happily waiting as the three head out willing to drive the group at night and sleep at day so that they would make excellent time. In the end they managed to make triple time by eating in the saddle and traveling slowly at night. The horses were exhausted, but Mable fed them extremely well to keep up there energy. When they arrived Mable was asleep in her saddle woken by the sounds of the horses gently finding a good spot to dismount letting the horses sleep as Mable located the tracks hoping they'd lead her close to the burrow. It was likely there could be more as Mable found three separate paths noting them for her companions. "We could each attack at once or it may be easier to tackle them alone. The burrows could contain anywhere from one to eight Boars so it's anyone's guess what the odds would be. The largest of the pack went south, but from tracks it's hard to distinguish gender. The female will have the most boars" [@karlettto][@Big Dread]