[hider] [img]http://i.imgur.com/lM0Vkxe.png[/img] [b]Name[/b]: Ryzin [b]Age[/b]: 18 [b]Gender[/b]: Male [b]Nationality[/b]: Johto [b]Personality[/b]: Somewhat timid towards humans but loves pokemon to a fault, always willing to go the extra mile for any pokemon, Has a serious disliking for pokemon abuse in any regard. Often quiet and in thought, Very serious about all aspects of pokemon health/battling/breeding. [b]Biography[/b]: Ryzin got lost on a safari adventure with his family in johto at the age of 13, after walking around for some time he lost hope of being found, he came across a lone Totodile, they were looking at each other from across the river, Totodile took interest the child, approached him and began looking upon the child closely, sensing the distress and fear in the child decided to take him through an elaborate jungle path to the swamp, A secret clearing opened up and there he tried to integrate him into his family of Totodile, Croconaw and Feraligatr, Plus others like Seismitoad, Bibarel, Woopers and Mudkip, occasionally seeing the odd Dratini and other rarer pokemon. There he decided to live for 4 years after abandoning hope of being found, working with his new family raising eggs, helping out and learning the society of swamp and forest pokemon. After all this time had past his friend Totodile had evolved into Feraligatr and became chief of the group of wild pokemon, found a mate and had a egg of his own, with this Feraligatrs daughter became quite attached to Ryzin following him everywhere, going out with him exploring the harsh type of terrain they lived in, On odd occasions she would battle some other pokemon who approached Ryzin, due to a sense of protection she felt him, Ryzin also wondered if its because he is such close friends with her father, upon seeing this Ryzin notices she actually enjoys the fights shes in. Then one day Ryzin happened upon a Growlithe in the forest, Totodiles confusion yet again of approaching pokemon to Ryzin was taken as a threat, Totodile attacked growlithe and a short battle ensued, Officer Jenny suddenly emerged out of the scrubs, burst through and called out to Growlithe, Ryzin yelling for Tododile, then both pokemon suddenly stopped the battle looking at there trainers, the shock on Jenny's face after seeing Ryzin instantly recognizing who he was, this child who's been missing for so long informed him of what happened to his parents, how the loss of there son drove them to leave everything behind, With the pain of constant reminders of there son they left Johto and found a new beginning in a place called Chromis. Ryzin refilled with the hope of reconnecting with his parents ran back to the village in the swamp, he came home and told everyone he had to go and find his parents, Feraligatr considering the situation nodded in approval and pointed at his daughter wanting Ryzin to take his daughter with him as a traveling companion, and to reassure him he always has a place to return to with his daughter, should he want to. Ryzin then says his goodbyes and sets out for Chromis with Totodile beginning his journey. [b]Items[/b]: [list][*]5 Potions [*]5 Pokeballs [*]1 Revive [*]1 Pokedex [*]1 Trainer Card [/list] Pokemon Team [img]http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/pokemon/images/4/47/158Totodile_Dream.png/revision/latest?cb=20141104032111[/img] [b]Name[/b]:DM [b]Species[/b]:Tododile [b]Gender[/b]:Female [b]Ability[/b]:Sheer Force [b]Battle Experience[/b]:4 Training: HP: F (+0%) ATK: F (+0%) DEF: F (+0%) SPATK: F (+0%) SPDEF: F (+0%) SPD: F (+0%) [b]Moves[/b]: Ice fang, Bite, Water gun, Rage [b]Extra Notes[/b]:Eager to jump into a fight head first, does not like to give up and loves a good laugh and otherwise playful. Never in her pokeball prefers to be out and about. [img]http://i.imgur.com/AsyJaDJ.png[/img] [b]Name[/b]:Shiva [b]Species[/b]:Amaura [b]Gender[/b]:Male [b]Ability[/b]:Refridgerate [b]Battle Experience[/b]:5 Training: HP: F (+0%) ATK: F (+0%) DEF: F (+0%) SPATK: F (+0%) SPDEF: F (+0%) SPD: F (+0%) [b]Moves[/b]: Powder Snow, Growl, Thunder Wave, Rock Throw [b]Extra Notes[/b]: [/hider]