Awoo [hider=Lysette Ipsen] Name: Lysette Ipsen Gender: Female. [hider=Appearance:] [img][/img] [/hider] Starting Artifact(s): Wind - Ring - Wind barrier Qi - Necklace - Enhanced smell Hometown: Hinkbraven History: Arrived at orphanage at age 10. Her parents didn’t abandon her, she just got forgotten at the market while they went shopping. Authorities were unable to track down the parents, who many suspect left town and child behind. She was moved to the town’s orphanage, undergoing the standard orphan training program until the age of 16, where she arrived at Liravel. Overzealous and eager to play with her artifacts, she absorbed the traits of a wolf within the first week in town. Still determined to find her true parents, Lysette’s goal is to escape crippling debt as fast as she can, and uncover the truth about her past. Personality: Goes with the flow. She’ll care less about how something pans out as long as it ends up neatly. Theme Song: [url][/url] [/hider]