[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/sDMqkEa.png[/img] [h1][color=27FF79]Omega[/color][/h1][/center] Initially Omega couldn’t help but chuckle as Hohenheim announced the card of the Machina. [color=27FF79]”Don’t be so worried. Iona’s not that bad. Course, I’ve never been on the receiving end of her judgement.”[/color] His snark didn’t last as the Demon’s card brought them all back to full health. Great, now the Angels would be the only ones beaten up from the Machina traps. Well, time to get to work fixing that. Aiming his guns at the first demon he saw, some sort of ice demon just barely visible through the smoke. Just as he was going to pull the trigger, he heard a [i]thud[/i] at his feet drawing away his vision briefly but enough for him to lose sight of the demon. Looking down to examine the distraction he saw a small leather bound journal. Questioning how some old book was his ‘deepest desire’ he picked up the book and looked over the cover to see if there was any indication as to what it was. All he found was a small inscription on the back that read “Property of James Calloway”. Upon reading the name, Omega dropped to his knees. He had never heard it before, but instantly he knew whose name it was; his. If Hohenheim was telling the truth, then this journal contained the knowledge that no one else possessed, his past. All the questions he ever had, what he did before the Nexus, why he was left alone, who he was before he was a spirit, this book could tell him. Gently caressing the rough leather Omega’s mind raced with what sort of stories he would find inside. He had to know. He would never get another chance like this. But his reading would have to wait as a sort of purple gas surrounded him bringing him back to reality and the fight. He would have to learn of the past later, right now he had to take care of the present. Slipping the journal into his duster pocket Omega stood up in front of Sliske and pointed one of his revolvers at his head. [color=27FF79]”Ya know, the last time I killed you I made the mistake of not making sure you were dead. Best believe it won’t happen again.”[/color] [@Mega Birb] [hr] [center][h1][color=C7500C]Balrog[/color][/h1][/center] With his clone reduced to a puddle of tar, Balrog turned his attention back on his enemies only to get a nice pound to the head from Juno. Normally he would have taken the hit like a boss and kept going, but after sustaining such a multitude of heavy injuries, the gravity punch was more than enough to knock him on his ass and anger the beast more. While he was getting himself off the ground the second time this match, Ni-Mu the Emu used Balrog’s head as a bounce pad which only further irritated the demon. Upon getting back to his feet, a sudden feeling of relief washed over Balrog and all his injuries vanish. Maybe he should have paid attention to those current set of tarot cards after all, but on the other hand, there was still things to smash, including Juno who was currently distracted by a little girl. Real or not, she would soon be collateral damage. Balrog decided he’d use this opportunity to find out what this crotch cannon of his did. Lucky for him it turned out to be the current form of his Reaper Beam. Taking aim at the purple pest and charging the attack Balrog firmly planted himself ready for the devastation he was about to unleash. With no angelic bitch to misdirect him, Balrog was sure he would hit his target with little concern who got in the way. As soon as the Eclipse Princess said goodbye to the little girl; Balrog fired. [@KoL]