Alys nodded at Ms Trondeau. “I appreciate the offer, but given Ceylon is in the East, near India, I don’t believe there is all that much on their lore available here. It’s been a British colony only for what, a hundred years? A hundred fifty?” Her expression turned thoughtful. “They’re not exactly fond of the British either, what with the Kandyan Wars. Not fond of Europeans in general, though I’m sure on an individual basis they’re reasonable people.” The young lady shrugged. “It won’t be helped by the need for an interpreter either, I imagine. At least they’re less likely to have rationing of tea. I’m going to brush up on my Buddhism. If I remember correctly, there’s a significant temple somewhere in that area. Something about a relic...I’d need to look it up.” Imogen smiled politely. “Alright, I thought perhaps we might find something but that is understandable. I did not consider that we might not have much available to us here. I will have to find another way to be of assistance.” She looked thoughtful. “I will see if I have any books on Buddhism to help you. My-Matthieu had many books from around the world and perhaps there is something on that religion somewhere.” Imogen gave a slight nod. “If I find anything I will be sure to pass it on to you.” The professor bid the others farewell and went off to gather information and what she would need for the trip.