Eric was stopped when someone shouting him down eventually caught up and pinned him to the wall. [i]This guy's holding me up! ...Damn...I can't get out...[/i] After a moment of struggling, he realized he wasn't going anywhere. He would have to answer this psycho's questions in some vague hope he would at least be let go. "Your bounty? Last I checked, this was my bounty. I have documentation to prove it." Eric reached for his pants pocket and pulled out a small, gold card with the Sister Margaret's logo on one face and shorthand instructions for the hit on the other. In the bottom-right corner were two signatures--the top one from the paying client and the bottom one from the operator who handed Eric the assignment--"Patch." "I have some idea of who you are. I've heard you're one of the best out there. My past employers haven't been too keen on dealing with someone of your...mental state to call on someone like you. Only question is if I can verify if it really is you. You and about five thousand other wiseguys in this country run around with that costume on. How do I know you're not just a really buff cosplayer?"